Hydrangea’s wild buds perfumery fills the gaps created by the vagaries of life; it's no coincidence it was rooted firmly nearby at the foothills of humbling glacially-tilled mountain sanctity when I was first introduced to the “hara” by my acupuncturist, who breathed so intensely into this ball of fire that she passed out. The hara too has roots, and when it isn’t anchored by our intentions, it becomes distorted with the following manifestations in a person:

~Dark energy cloud around the chest (soul seat)
~Unexplained loss of energy
~Feeling of living without a purpose

Otherwise, this point of intentionality can become very red when charged with breath. This was my first experience of witnessing the intermingling of the physical and energetic. Visualizing this can become a daily practice, by placing your hand 1.5” below the navel where the hara is. A healthy hara means a healthy home, right relationship, connection to self..

It both extends to the earth and also above the head, and provides the kidneys with what they need to carry out metabolic processes. A hardy ally with hydrangea, for this plant is wise to keep in reach for one with kidney stones, interstitial cystitis, and any irritation with “stasis in the lower palace.” Its high level of flavanoids prevent cell damage and although the plant doesn’t have hands, it’s pushed me to trust my gut before I knew of the hara.

Today I see the sacral at work in warmer months simultaneous with wiping sweat from the brow…the peasant farmers bend at waist over seeds wishing to beautify the land, the corporate executive feeling butterflies in their stomach at novelties in developments. With an inner child always aiming for perfectionism, their adult self may have always felt "never enough," in response to not achieving this. This stagnant energy can occur on the physical as edema, dysmenorrhoea, arthritis, etc.
Moving fluids with antimicrobials, diuretics, and antispasmodics like juniper, dandelion & thyme wouldn't be place tot start when thinking what to combine with hydrangea and living intentionally.

~photo 2 taken from Barbara Brennan~

Simple Rosehip Remedy

Fill a jar, or any vessel, halfway with rose hips. Pour hot water over and allow to steep for 15 minutes

VZ Hypnosis Taos New Mexico

Hypnotherapy is not intended to replace care from a licensed Medical Doctor or Mental Health Care Professional. If you are under the care of a medical professional for any condition for which you are seeking hypnosis support, please obtain a signed, written referral from your provider prior to engaging me and moving forward with related sessions.
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